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Windi See Havening

Dissolve your pain once and for all through the power of Havening.
Intergenerational Trauma Ends Here.

“Until you make the unconscious, conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” — CG Jung

Haven (hā’-vən) – a safe and peaceful place; a place of refuge rest and comfort. If you’re experiencing difficulty moving on from a past relationship or adjusting to a big life change, you are not alone. Underlying trauma is often an energetic weight holding us back. Honestly, we were never taught how to release the past and move on properly. As a result, we find ourselves in familiar patterns experiencing dread, anxiety and complete overwhelm. We’re distracted, we’re over-thinking, over-analyzing; second guessing ourselves and getting in our own way. We get stuck in that mental loop, then it gets stuck in our body and our being. It’s an uncomfortable and deeply painful burden to carry. Many modalities and holistic therapies have tried to help but have fallen short and haven’t gotten to the root cause. One reason is that the shift hasn’t happened on a physiological level. Your brain is still hardwired to repeat the pattern. Fortunately, it has come to awareness and to science that there is a process that goes directly to the root and dissolves the loop.

Ready to move beyond coping and managing symptoms? 
If you are ready to finally break free of trauma and enjoy a life rooted in calm.

My offerings

Havening (in person & via Zoom)

The foundation of my work and where to start. Dissolve & release stored trauma.

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Pure coaching (via Zoom)

Ready for the next step? After Havening and releasing you’ll be ready for the next chapter of your life, the more expansive version of you.

FLOWpresso session (Local only)

FLOW. Does this describe your health and well being. If not, Let’s get in in the FLOW. Sessions take place in Dripping Springs (TX).

and I’m on a mission to help put an end to intergenerational trauma. It’s time.


I’ve long envisioned a world where the fabric of society is rooted in love, where people live in alignment with their inner knowing and share that harmony with others around them.


Often times though, family patterns and ancestral trauma get in the way, take charge and we end up off course, following someone else’s idea of how to live a life.


I’ve got great news.  


Trauma can be cleared. 

Even trauma that is deeply held in your body can dissolve and release.


Havening Techniques® is the tool that gently invites out what is ready to go and rewires peace, calm and safety into your body and being. 


From this place we can build this beautiful world from the inside out and somewhere deep down we all know it’s possible.


Are you ready to put an end to patterns and finally heal?

Hi, I'm Windi

“Until you heal your intergenerational trauma, nothing else matters. It's why you are here.”

Havening® can help support you with: 

  • Stress, Anxiety & Panic Attacks

  • PTS

  • Phobias & Cravings

  • OCD & Ruminating Thoughts

  • Childhood trauma & Distressing memories

  • Birth trauma & Infertility

  • Parenting and Reparenting

  • Old & recurring emotional patterns & limiting beliefs

  • Relationships Breakdowns

If you get the opportunity to receive a HAVENING session from Windi, treat yourself and DO IT! The peace and safety I felt in my body during, and for days after, was such a blessing. I felt like I released more stuck energy in 1 session than I had in years of therapy, and released in a way that felt complete. Windi’s presence and lightness was so comforting and allowed for the depth of which I was able to clear and just let go. Thank you for you, Windi

"I scheduled a remote session with Windi not knowing if anything would come up for me. Not only did I uncover some hidden sadness that was keeping me stuck, I was able to release it right then. I immediately felt lighter and the relaxed, light feeling lasted for a few days. Letting that go made room for other things to show up. I'm amazed that she was able to help me find that. I didn't have any idea I was holding onto it. She seems to have an intuitive sense of knowing where to go and a comfortable presence that feels more like a friend who genuinely cares.
We're drawn to what and who we need, when we need it, even if we sometimes don't fully understand why. Thank you Windi, I'm grateful."

To be in Windi's presence, whether in person or on Zoom is already a safe haven.  She is a powerful yet gentle guide with deep intuitive wisdom. She is very skilled and experienced in so many is a gift to work with her.


If you’re ready to lose the charge behind troubling memories and difficult recurring patterns?

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